Internet inventor calls on states to greater participation in the information

Called Sir Tim Berners - Lee, inventor of the Internet to judge the States in accordance with the acceptance of the involvement of its citizens and its norms of information available to it. Description Berners - Lee "the principle of open country to the rules of impartial information and the Internet" as the "importance of freedom of expression." It is said that Berners - Lee is a senior adviser to the government project in the field of information designed to allow all Internet users using the rules of information that was previously blocked. " And semi-inventor of the Internet access to information the fundamental freedoms of citizens. In an interview with the BBC, said that "any democratic society, voters must be informed and have the right to know all the information they require if they are available." He also noted that it is very important as well as in developing countries, adding that "government transparency and lack of fear of dissemination of information to the public the rules that give investors the confidence to initiate projects in those countries." On the other hand, some organizations around the world using the rules of information open and available to countries to pursue formal institutions in some cases and areas. In Brazil, for example, the Web site function to collect all the information on the incomes of politicians and their wealth to eliminate political for some, and others in the fall elections. India, Brazil, says journalist Fernando Rodriguez, who started in 2000 a website called "politicians Brazil" (Politicos do Brasil) is a database which stores all information on politicians, particularly in the financial area that location contributed to the sacking of hundreds of politicians after the elections in 2008. The journalist adds that "six months after the election was enough for the loss of more than 343 mayors and deputy positions because of the abundance of information about them, which led to probation, which they took during their term of office and go about their campaigns during the election." In the same context, but in India, where the Freedom of Information Act was passed in 2005, says the head of political research center Yamni announced that the public strongly pursues the information published about the politicians in the country resulting in many times to Menen accountability of the government's imagination many things. " Although associations have demanded that India and Brazil Governments to publish more information, so that in some cases, despite the lack of dissemination of some information, but Some are able to use the Internet as a means to hold accountable politicians and senior staff. In Vietnam, for example, where the State participates citizens in databases owned by, the political activists in the Assemblies of pictures of the seats in the Parliament on the Internet, and the idea behind it, according to activists that the volume of the house indicates in some cases the size of wealth and this would generates questions politicians should answer. But can not yet say that the picture in relation to the dissemination of information and freedom of access to become full-fledged, even in more developed countries such as Britain and the United States. Nataniel says Heller of the group "Global Integrity," It is a mistake to consider that "the dissemination of the rules of information alone is sufficient, because if that was not associated with the development of a number of laws and reforms will not give the desired result." Says Tom Osmor from the Association President of the Assembly 4ip funded by several organizations active in pressing for the deployment of additional information owned by the government that are not yet available to the public "It's high time for the those who believe in community a positive and healthy work and push for a raise ban on the rules of information. "
Internet inventor calls on states to greater participation in the information Internet inventor calls on states to greater participation in the information Reviewed by fun4liveever on April 02, 2010 Rating: 5

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